Appliance repair pros, are you tired of spending hours trying to find tutorials on YouTube or elsewhere? Do you find these videos phony lab set-ups to be useless when it comes to addressing the reality of your customers’ issues? If you answered yes, you must learn about a new appliance repair video series that we now offer.

How you might feel after trying to find appliance repair tutorials online and realizing they don’t actually help you.
Reality Repair Courses: A Must-Have Resource for Appliance Repair Technicians
After more than three years in the making, I’m happy to share our new appliance repair training video series – Reality Repair Courses. This compilation of 240 on-site videos has debuted and is divided into appliance and brand specific sets. Narrated by my son Reid and me, each video offers a step-by-step guide to fixing all common appliance issues. Totally authentic and showcasing what repair professionals face during service calls, the recordings include mistakes, broken parts, customer conversations, dirty basements, and angry dogs. It’s the real McCoy.
The entire series has been released; I wanted to offer readers an exclusive teaser focused on dryers. Below is a video featuring select excerpts from the training program, which consists of 240+ videos totaling nearly 65 hours and approximately 500 GB. It is available online and on a 15″ Laptop.
Get Access to the Full Course Today
If you’re convinced that my Reality Repair Courses is something you want access to today, the entire catalog with samples is available here>>.
For those needing a bit more time, feel free to reach out to me via email or phone. My team and I are happy to answer your questions about this new training module or any of our other products.
Harry Raker