Back around 1980, when microwaves were becoming popular I would occasionally repair the circuit board on a microwave to save a customer money. Back then microwaves were the only appliance with a circuit board. Now it’s hard to find an appliance without one.
Over the decades, my techs and I always preferred to replace bad circuit boards with factory parts, original factory parts. In the last 10 years a problem has arisen. After a period of time manufacturers discontinue making older appliance parts including circuit boards. The parts become no longer available (NLA). This shortage has become more and more common. Customers are forced to buy a new appliance because they cannot get the part to repair their old one. This often results in a major kitchen remodeling job when a replacement appliance cannot be purchased to fit an existing opening. The lack of a $200 part can turn into a $10-$20,000 expense.
It only makes sense for anyone with computer rebuild skills to start offering this service. That is exactly what has happened in the last 10 years. Several companies have grown to fit that need and provide rebuilding computer board service. Our company is doing the same thing. We have been doing it in house for a long time and are now offering our expertise to those in the appliance repair business and to individuals.
Return For Repair Service
We offer a very quick turnaround on boards shipped to us for repair. Most boards are repaired and shipped back the very next business day. We offer a one-year guarantee on all our rebuilt computer boards. Follow link for details>>.